Mastering Transcreation: Elevate your brand's global appeal

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Reaching a global audience requires more than just translating words. It demands a deep understanding of cultural nuances and local preferences. This is where creative translation comes into play.

According to McKinsey, companies can generate as much as 40% more revenue from personalization. By blending translation with creative adaptation, you can ensure that your message resonates powerfully across diverse markets. This article discusses transcreation, its importance in adapting to different cultures and how it improves localization for global brands.

What is transcreation?

This is the process of going beyond standard translation to translate in a creative way. It involves adapting content for different cultures, preserving its original intent, tone, and emotional impact. This process ensures that marketing messages resonate deeply with local audiences, reflecting cultural nuances and preferences.

While translation focuses on converting text from one language to another, creative translation transforms content to fit cultural contexts. Relying solely on straight-up translation can result in communication that simply does not work in different markets.

The importance of transcreation in cultural adaptation

Creative translation is vital for brands aiming to connect authentically with global audiences. Unlike mere translation, transcreation considers cultural sensitivities, idioms, and local trends, making the content more relatable. Without translating creatively, companies may experience miscommunication, brand disconnect, and ultimately, lost opportunities in foreign markets.

On the flip side, companies who personalize content for each target audience stand to increase their bottom line. According to Adobe, 89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they use personalization in their campaigns.

Benefits of transcreation for marketing, UX, and sales copy

Implementing creative translation can generate improved results for any kind of communication campaign.

Marketing localization

Transcreation enhances marketing campaigns by ensuring that slogans, taglines, and advertisements maintain their impact across different cultures.

Coca-Cola changed its "Taste the Feeling" campaign to appeal to various markets globally. The company aimed to maintain its emotional connection with consumers. The drinks company adjusted the campaign to resonate with different cultural preferences. This allowed Coca-Cola to effectively communicate with a diverse audience.

User experience (UX) and cross-cultural marketing

Transcreation improves UX by providing culturally relevant content that feels natural to users. Companies like Airbnb have changed their content to fit local customs and preferences, making users more engaged. Effective cross-cultural marketing through transcreation ensures your brand’s message is consistent and impactful worldwide.

Sales copy and international brand engagement

Effective transcreation in sales copy can significantly boost conversion rates. For example, Apple transcreates product descriptions to align with local consumer expectations, driving better engagement and sales. This approach is crucial for maintaining international brand engagement, ensuring your brand resonates with global audiences.

Steps to successful transcreation

  1. Understand the target culture : Conduct thorough research on the cultural context and preferences of the target audience.

  2. Use local experts who understand the language and culture to effectively connect with the local audience.

  3. Maintain brand voice : Ensure that the brand’s tone and voice are consistent across all languages.

  4. Test and iterate : Use focus groups and A/B testing to refine the transcreated content.

  5. Leverage technology : Use AI tools like Smartcat AI Translator to streamline the process and ensure consistency.

Real-life examples of effective transcreation

Let's look at how two leading brands leverage creative translation to drive communication success.


As a global platform, Airbnb understands the importance of connecting with users in a culturally relevant way. The company transcreated their " Belong Anywhere " campaign to reflect the unique cultural nuances of various markets.

In Japan, Airbnb emphasized the concept of hospitality and the tradition of "omotenashi." This enabled them to align their message with Japanese values of welcoming guests. This approach enhanced local engagement and reinforced Airbnb's brand identity as a platform for personalized and authentic travel experiences.


McDonald’s changed their popular slogan, “I’m lovin’ it!”, for the Chinese market. Culturally and linguistically, it would have hit the wrong notes with a Chinese audience, as it does not convey the same meaning as it does in the English language. The transcreated version in Chinese essentially means, “I would to” or “I like it”. This transcreated version was much more appropriate for the Chinese market and also ensured that McDonald’s did not launch a campaign that may have turned into a PR disaster.

Transcreation for SEO in your global content strategy

The creative translation process is also beneficial for SEO. By using culturally relevant keywords and phrases, brands can improve their search engine rankings in different markets. This approach boosts visibility and enhances user experience by providing content that feels natural and engaging.

Babbel's transcreation strategy: an interview with Theresa Heins

In an interview with Smartcat, Theresa Heins from world language app leader, Babbel, discussed the company's transcreation strategy. Babbel creatively translates its language learning content to ensure it resonates with learners from various cultural backgrounds. This approach has significantly contributed to the company's global success and user satisfaction.

Best practices for transcreation

Implement these tips to optimize transcreation results.

  1. Prioritize cultural relevance : Ensure that the content is culturally appropriate and relevant to the target audience. For instance, a standard Spanish marketing translation for the Colombian market may not be culturally appropriate for Spain. In such a case, a good rule of thumb would be to assign a Spanish transcreator from Spain to adapt the Colombian Spanish translation.

  2. Use native speakers : Collaborate with native speakers who understand the local culture and language nuances. The ideal marketing translator for creative campaigns is a high-quality translator and copywriter. They understand how to combine both these skills.

  3. Consistency is key : Maintain a consistent brand voice across all markets, languages, and specific versions of each language.

  4. Use technology : Leverage AI and automation tools to enhance efficiency and accuracy. For instance, Smartcat AI Translation Platform and AI Action edits can provide highly contextual translations.

AI and human collaboration for efficient results

AI translation can speed up transcreation by providing contextual, high-quality, and on-brand drafts for humans to improve. This blend of AI efficiency and human creativity can enhance the workflow for high-quality, culturally relevant content.

Finding the right talent with Smartcat Marketplace

Smartcat Marketplace positions businesses to source top-tier linguistic reviewers and transcreators. Companies can use AI to find experts worldwide who understand the culture of their target markets. This helps ensure high-quality transcreation.

Wrapping up: The future of transcreation in global marketing

As brands continue to expand globally, the need for effective cultural adaptation and marketing localization becomes more critical. Transcreation offers a pathway to not only communicate but also to connect authentically with diverse audiences.

Using transcreation in your global content strategy can drive user engagement, increase conversion rates, and build international brand awareness. By using AI human workflows to support transcreation, you can make sure that your message resonates in all global markets.

Get effortless transcreation into any language with Smartcat