Translate screenshots using AI: How it's done

Need translations? Try Smartcat for free!

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Screenshots are a quick and easy way to capture information from any device. But what happens when you need to translate screenshots?

If the intended audience for your screenshot speaks a different language than the one in the image, don’t worry. Numerous AI translation tools work great for images, making it easy to translate a screenshot online.

One such tool is Smartcat’s AI image translator. This easy-to-use online platform allows you to translate any screenshot with just a few clicks.

Let’s dive into how to use a screenshot translator to make your translation tasks easier and faster.

Why use a screenshot translator?

Screenshots are an efficient way to capture visual content for later use. Many of us have phones filled with screenshots saved for sharing with friends and colleagues.

But things become inconvenient if the text in that screenshot is in another language. Sure, you can manually type out the text to translate in an app, but that’s tedious and time-consuming. Then, if you want to share the translated screenshot with someone else, you’ve got to edit the image. Even if you’re tech-savvy, this is significant work.

That’s why a dedicated translation platform like Smartcat is so helpful. It automatically extracts the text from an image and translates it into the language you need. The translated version of the screenshot will have the text in its original place so that there’s no confusion. No more guesswork, and no more manual typing.

Whether you’re dealing with web pages, documents, or apps, a dedicated tool for screenshot translation is the way to go.

When to use a screenshot translator

There are plenty of occasions when you may need to translate text from an image. Here are some examples where a screenshot translator can save time:

Foreign-language web pages

Capture and translate sections of a website for research or personal use. While many browsers have built-in translators for viewing web content, these aren’t always great for images or design elements. If you don’t want to use a dedicated website translator, then you can save screenshots to translate for later.

Social media posts

Translate social media content in different languages to understand what’s being said. This can be especially useful for market research and understanding how international audiences view your product.

Documents or presentations

Need to understand a foreign-language document? Simply snap a screenshot and upload it for instant translation.

Travel apps and maps

Translate sections of foreign travel apps or maps, making navigation easier.

Software development

You may be developing an app or website and want to check how the user interface (UI) will look in different languages. Translated screenshots can serve as great mockups to test localized versions or demonstrate a mockup to clients.

Educational materials

Training manuals, user guides, reviews, and eLearning content documents often use screenshots as a visual guide for learners. This is especially true for guides on how to use software or digital tech. Translating the screenshots with a dedicated tool will significantly speed up the localization process.

The possibilities are endless. Accurate translation software is essential for content localization, allowing businesses to adapt their messaging for global audiences.

Can Google translate a screenshot?

It’s possible to translate an image using the Google Translate app that comes preloaded on many of our devices by following these steps:

  • Open the Google Translate app.

  • Tap the camera icon.

  • Tap the gallery icon that appears on the bottom left.

  • Select the image you want to translate.

  • View your translated screenshot in the app.

Google Translate is a useful way to translate a screenshot for free. But while this handy tool is great for casual use, it doesn’t always provide the most accurate translations.

Google Translate tends to change font size and layout, which can distort the image. It works on just one image at a time, which is not great for larger projects like visual guides.

If you need screenshots translated for anything important, such as professional documents and communications, we’d recommend using a more advanced tool like Smartcat AI.

How to translate a screenshot accurately and quickly

Speed and accuracy are both essential when dealing with visual translation. It’s no good getting a fast but misleading translation or waiting forever for a good one.

This is even more true for businesses. Not only do they face tight schedules, but they also need clear, accurate translations to succeed in global markets.

By using Smartcat’s AI image translator, you can ensure that your translations are both high quality and reliable. This is especially crucial for businesses that need to translate product information, manuals, or customer reviews.

Smartcat can help you maintain a consistent, professional tone across all languages. You can upload documents like style guides, glossaries, and examples of your existing content to Smartcat. The AI uses them to learn your preferences and apply them to all your translations.

Similarly, the Smartcat platform allows you to invite unlimited collaborators to review your translations. It learns from every edit, becoming faster and more accurate every time you use it.

How Smartcat's AI image translator works

Smartcat’s AI technology is designed for fast, accurate image translation. It couldn’t be easier to use. Here’s how it works:

  1. Upload your screenshot to Smartcat.

  2. Select the source (original) and target languages.

  3. Let Smartcat AI translator translate the text for you in just a few seconds!

  4. Review and make changes to the translation if needed.

  5. Download your translated screenshot.

It’s that simple. The AI behind it uses advanced algorithms to select the best translations for the job. It can ensure that the translation maintains context and tone, making it perfect for businesses and individuals alike.

Do you need to translate a picture with complex layouts or multiple languages? Smartcat handles that, too, making it a versatile tool for translating any kind of document or picture.

Translate a screenshot in any language

Smartcat’s AI can translate your screenshots into over 280 languages. Whether you’re dealing with Chinese, Russian, Arabic, or Spanish, Smartcat has you covered. This makes it ideal for global businesses or anyone working with content in multiple languages.

Want to localize your content for international markets? Smartcat’s translation tools are designed to make that process smooth and efficient.

Get started with Smartcat’s AI image translator

Ready to simplify your translation workflow? Try Smartcat’s AI image translator today. It allows you to upload screenshots, extract text, and get accurate translations in minutes. It's fast, simple, and perfect for businesses looking to translate text, images, and more to the highest standard.

FAQ: Translating screenshots

How to translate a screenshot?

To translate a screenshot, upload the image to a translation tool, like Smartcat AI’s image translator.

How to translate text from a screenshot?

Simply upload your screenshot to Smartcat’s AI tool, which automatically detects and translates the text from the image.

How to translate a screenshot on Android?

Use an app like Google Translate or try Smartcat’s web-based AI image translator. For quick translation, upload your screenshot from your Android device’s gallery app.

How to translate a screenshot on an iPhone?

Open your photos app and then open your screenshot. Tap on any text in the picture and the editing menu should appear. Select the text you want and then hit ‘translate’.

How to translate a screenshot on PC?

On PC, simply find an image translator on the web, such as the Smartcat AI image translator. Upload the screenshot from your computer to translate the text quickly and easily.

How to translate text in images online for free?

Smartcat’s AI image translator offers a free trial account for translating text in images. Upload your image to the platform to get instant translations. Alternatively, for less advanced translations, use a free online translator like Google Translate.

What software is available for screen capture translation?

Smartcat’s AI image translator is a top choice for translating screen captures, offering accurate, fast translations in multiple languages. Although there are other translation software tools available, Smartcat is used by industry leaders to deliver timely, accurate translations.

Is there an app that converts screenshots to text?

There are many OCR (optical character recognition) apps that do just that, such as Google Drive or Microsoft OneNote. If you also need your screenshots translated, then Smartcat AI can do both.

How do you extract text and translate from an image?

Upload the image to Smartcat’s AI image translator, which will extract the text and translate it into your desired language in seconds.

How to translate bulk JPEG files by using Google Translate?

Google Translate does not handle bulk file uploads. For bulk JPEG translation, consider using Smartcat’s batch translation tools for a more efficient solution.

What is the best online translation platform?

The best online translation platforms can translate text, images, video subtitles, and more at scale using the latest AI tools. Smartcat can do all these things and even more besides. Learn how leading enterprises use Smartcat for high-quality translations across multiple content types, including screenshots and images.

Translate screenshots in Smartcat

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