How to Translate TikTok Videos in Your Business

Need translations? Try Smartcat for free!

Translate tiktok videos - Smartcat blog

Translating TikTok videos to a professional standard used to be a time-consuming and costly process. But savvy marketers who know how to harness an AI video translator can now reach Gen Zs and Millennials worldwide and even stay on budget in the process.

When you start translating TikTok videos with AI, quality will be your biggest problem. How do you get a TikTok video translation that's actually good? A free online video translator might be fine for kids and armchair influencers, but serious businesses need TikTok transcriptions, subtitles, and dubbing that are on brand and on message.

Is the free TikTok video translator a realistic solution?

Maybe you've already tried using the free TikTok video translator. If you're familiar with it then you also know that you can't rely on the accuracy or quality of the translations it produces.

What's more, the TikTok language translator doesn't offer a translation management system, which is essential for end-to-end control of your brand.

Once you figured that out, if you then went on to shop for professional software to produce your video translations, you'll also know that wading through the endless freemium tools is exhausting and demotivating.

Who knew that becoming a multilingual TicToker to get Gen Z's attention was going to be so hard?

The best solution for translating TikTok videos

If you want to know how to translate video on TikTok, use Smartcat. We'll make it easy for you to produce high-quality AI video translations that align with your company messaging and brand voice.

Smartcat's features include transcriptions, auto-generated video captions, and dubbing. In short, everything you need to take your company to global success.

Read on to find out how your company can break through language barriers on the TikTok app and reach the coolest sector of the international market.

How to translate a video on TikTok

Since every good marketing manager knows that process is the key to success, here's an outline of the simple steps you need to follow to produce your TikTok video translation. Scroll down for more details on each step.

  1. Upload your video file to our platform.

  2. Click to generate your automatic transcription and translation.

  3. Refine and polish with a human touch.*

  4. Click to generate your automatic dubbing.

  5. Publish your video on TikTok.

*Smartcat's AI quality rating is 95%+. To hit that 100% mark, make sure you have a professional subject matter or language check your content. Find one in Smartcat Marketplace.

How to Transcribe TikTok Videos

Getting a transcription of your video is essential to be able to produce an accurate translation and quality dubbing. Producing a TikTok transcription isn't possible in the app, so you need a separate tool.

If you already have your video transcription, skip to the section below to find out how to translate your TikTok video. If not, here's how to quickly transcribe TikTok videos.

Transcribe the video from the TikTok link to get a Smartcat free trial.

1. Download the video to your device

If your video isn't already on your device, download it from TikTok and save it in your chosen folder. Do this in the TikTok app: Go to the video you want to download, tap the share button to the right, and then tap "save video". If you can't see a saving option it's because the creator has disabled it. You’ll need to make sure you can access the video from your PC.

2. Upload your video to Smartcat

Sign in to your Smartcat account on our cloud-based platform. From your dashboard, click on "Edit and translate videos/subtitles". There, select the language of your original video and drag and drop the video file or browse to select it on your computer.

3. Generate your transcript

Click on the "Preview" button to automatically generate your video transcript.

4. Edit the transcript

This is where the first QA check comes in. Your linguist can now log into your cloud to check and edit the AIauto-generated subtitles in our user-friendly interface. It's best practice to get the original content perfect before you translate. This will save you time and money later on.

5. Add captions and format your video

Once you're happy with the content of your subtitles, click to automatically add them to your video. Run a quick check by previewing them on your video to make sure they look the way you want. After that, you'll be ready to download.

6. Download your video transcript

You can download your transcript at any time with a simple click.

If all you want is video captions in a single language, once you're happy with your transcript, you can export the video with the captions in place.

7. Upload the video to TikTok

Finally, upload your newly captioned video content to TikTok and you'll be ready to take those scroll-hungry millennials by storm!

How to translate a TikTok video using Smartcat AI

If auto-generated captions aren't enough, you can use Smartcat AI to translate a video clip and subtitle it in your preferred language. You can then use the content of those subtitles to automatically dub the video.

Want multiple languages? The sky's the limit. Just remember that human quality checks are essential if you want to make sure your marketing campaign is fully on-brand and error-free.

1. Upload the media file to Smartcat and generate your automatic transcription

Follow the steps described above to upload your video file to Smartcat. This time, when you've finished reviewing the automated transcription, click on the "Translate" button in the top right corner.

2. Select the language you'd like to translate into

You'll see the option to choose one or more target languages for your TikTok translation. Depending on the size of your team and budget, you may find it easiest to start with a single new language.

3. Automatically generate the translation

Click the button and grab a quick sip of coffee while the Smartcat AI translation feature does its magic and automatically translates your TikTok video.

4. Run translation and captioning quality checks

To make sure your company has the best on-brand video content, it's essential to have a professional linguist do a quality check at this point.

The Smartcat platform makes it easy for them to run a language check on the translation and to do a visual check to make sure the subtitles work well on screen.

5. Export your file

Once you're happy with everything, export your video. Finally, upload it to TikTok and stake your claim to a space in the world of the borderless scroller.

How to get AI dubbed TikTok videos vidoes

Smartcat AI dubbing streamlines the process of creating high-quality, multilingual video content with accurate translations and a variety of customizable voice options, making it easier to engage a global audience.

Start by logging into your Smartcat Workspace and selecting the option to edit and translate videos/subtitles.

After uploading your video, review and adjust the automatically generated subtitles for accuracy.

You can then translate these subtitles into your desired language(s).

Once your translations are ready, you can select from various AI voice options to match the tone and pace of your video.

Finally, initiate the AI dubbing process, preview the results, and export your fully dubbed video, ready to be shared across platforms. This method is efficient and ensures high-quality, localized content for your global audience.

Check out our recent webinar on AI dubbing of videos to learn from our experts:

Smartcat: the best TikTok video translation tool

When choosing the best tool to translate TikTok video to English or any other language for your enterprise, look at features like accuracy and how well the tool can support a consistent brand voice over time.

You'll also want to consider the security of your data and how easy it is to outsource quality checks to professional linguists.

Smartcat is a complete translation management system. This means you'll be able to manage your video translation process end-to-end while making sure you get the quality you need. Smartcat specializes in AI multimedia translation:

  1. Automatic speech-to-text transcription of your video and audio files.

  2. Fast creation and editing of burned-in subtitles.

  3. High-quality, low-cost AI dubbing.

Here's a quick summary of why Smartcat is the best video translation tool for your business:

  1. Accurate – our latest AI developments ensure 95%+ accuracy in automated transcription and translation.

  2. Fast – our clients have seen a 400% increase in project turnaround time.

  3. Prolific – keep that hungry content machine well-fed by producing 10x more content on the same budget.

  4. Multilingual – translate into just about any language.

  5. Collaborative – enjoy efficient workflows for your in-house and freelance linguists.

  6. User-friendly – works with a subtitle editor designed for professional use.

  7. Consistent – use your multilingual enterprise content library to keep your voice permanently on brand.

  8. Natural – you have a wide variety of human-like dubbing voices to choose between.

  9. Secure – only you and your authorized users have access to your data.


If you're still not quite ready to get your Smartcat free trial, check out the answers to some frequently asked questions about transcription and translation in TikTok.

Can you translate TikTok videos?

Yes, you can translate the videos in your TikTok account into almost any language you want. That includes sticker translation and auto-generated captions. You can also get a description translation for better accessibility.

TikTok has a free translation tool but it makes lots of mistakes. For enterprise use, you need a professional translation management system like Smartcat.

How do you change your language on TikTok?

To change your language on TikTok, tap your profile icon in the bottom right corner and then tap the three lines in the top right corner. Next, tap "settings and privacy" and then "language" to go to the language settings. There, you can choose your app language and set up TikTok to always translate posts.

How do you translate a TikTok video?

If you want to change the TikTok video language by dubbing over a TikTok video you created, then normal users can't do that inside the app. You'll need to use a dedicated video transcription, subtitling, and dubbing tool.

TikTok has an AI-powered translation platform for advertisers but quality is said to be problematic and good translation management won't be possible.

We recommend using Smartcat for end-to-end quality video translation.

How do you auto-translate subtitles on TikTok?

If you're a TikTok user and you're not worried about translation quality in post descriptions, comments, video captions, and text in videos, you can set up TikTok auto-translate. Here's how: Inside TikTok, tap your profile icon. Next, tap the three lines in the top right corner and then tap "settings and privacy". Once in there, tap "languages" and then activate "always translate posts". Below, select the language you want all TikTok content translated into.

Does TikTok have transcripts?

No, TikTok doesn't let you generate transcripts as part of its features for standard users. If you want full, editable transcripts, you need a more powerful online tool like Smartcat.

How do I transcribe a TikTok video to text for free?

Get a free trial of Smartcat. While our comprehensive translation management platform can do a lot more than transcribe your video to text, our transcription feature with its 95%+ accuracy is certainly worth taking advantage of. While you're there, maybe you'll decide to use our AI automated translation tool to translate your transcript into other languages.

Get your Smartcat free trial now for quality TikTok translations

While TikTok can help your users translate the captions on your videos into their language, it uses a free automated translation that generates lots of errors and odd-sounding sentences. This will be reflected in their perceived quality of your brand.

Even though TikTok now offers AI dubbing tools for advertisers, you won't get reliable quality or full control of how your brand comes across over time in new markets.

If you want end-to-end control of your video translations for TikTok and all other platforms, get your free trial of Smartcat or talk to our friendly sales team so we can show you how Smartcat can resolve the language needs of your enterprise.

Get high-quality TikTok video translation today!

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