We are result-oriented
We focus on the outcomes rather than the processes used to achieve them. We take responsibility for what we do — deciding when, where, how, and with whom we work. You can do what works for you, research and apply the best practices or invent your own approach — all is fine as long as you deliver the results to which you are committed.
We grow as individuals and
as a team
To achieve our mission of transforming the way an entire industry operates, we have to become a billion-dollar company — something that cannot happen without the ambition and personal growth of each and every one of us. As a team, we support each other. If we see someone struggling with a problem, we make it our problem too.
We crave feedback
We are careful to provide an environment where feedback, opinions, and ideas from anyone are welcome. Feedback is not the same as criticism. Whether we’re giving or receiving feedback, the goal is to give actionable advice that helps us make better decisions and reach our goals together.
We act fast
We act as one sheer force, with no internal barriers or bureaucracy, without waiting for “consensus” — which we see as just a way to avoid responsibility. Instead, we expect commitment to act even if we agree that the solution at hand is suboptimal. We make things happen before we make them perfect, breaking up large projects into small, daily wins that, over time, add up to huge leaps forward.
We love our customers
We’re in this to make our clients achieve their goals. This means listening to them closely, taking their needs seriously, and giving them long-term, sustainable solutions. It also means we’re not afraid to challenge their opinions and push them to approach their problems with new perspectives, because we believe this to be the foundation of an honest, transparent and empowering relationship.