A Major AI Course Editor Update: Streamlining SCORM Configuration and a New Quiz Wizard

The cornerstone of this update is a new configuration panel in the Course Editor's "Export" section, featuring three powerful capabilities:

  • Course Completion Tracking: Set precise completion thresholds based on the percentage of content viewed, giving you control over how learners progress through your material.

  • Advanced Quiz Assessment: Define specific pass/fail criteria for quizzes, including completion thresholds and maximum attempt limits, ensuring learners demonstrate true mastery of the material.

  • Intelligent SCORM Reporting: Automatically communicate completion status to your LMS based on your defined criteria, eliminating manual reporting headaches.

These features are accessible through an intuitive, multi-tab interface that guides you through each configuration step. Whether you're an experienced learning content creator or new to SCORM packages, our streamlined workflow helps you set up evaluation criteria quickly and accurately.

Smartcat Course Editor - SCORM Export capabilities

Introducing the Quiz Wizard

Based on feedback from customers, we've also launched a powerful Quiz Wizard that leverages Smartcat's AI to help you create standalone microlearning content. This simplified process takes you step-by-step to craft quizzes, so whether you’re a learning & development specialist or you appreciate guidance on how to create effective testing content for your presentation or course, the wizard will dramatically reduce time needed to create them.

Create quizzes quickly, export them directly, and even translate them into multiple languages – all within the AI Course Editor interface.

What makes our Quiz Wizard immediately impactful:

  • AI-powered question generation

  • Direct export capabilities

  • Seamless integration with our translation features

  • Compatible with the new SCORM configuration options

This update reflects our commitment to making professional multilingual learning content more accessible and efficient. By combining advanced SCORM configuration with our new Quiz Wizard, we're helping you create, manage, and deploy multilingual learning content more effectively than ever before.

Ready to explore these new features? Log in to your AI Course Editor account to get started, or reach out to your account team to find out more.




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