Onboarding training creator for employee induction courses

Create enterprise onboarding experience for new hires in minutes. AI-generate full courses, microlearnings, videos, quizzes, AI dubbing, and more.

Onboarding training creator - Smartcat onboarding-training-creator

The Fortune 1,000 choose Smartcat for translation

Enhance throughput, turnaround time, and cost efficiency


more content

Generate a tenfold increase in onboarding content production on the same budget.



AI-create a full, professional onboarding course in under half an hour.



Translate your onboarding materials into any language in seconds.

With Smartcat, we are now able to produce high-quality comprehensive training in specialized technical fields for our workforce. Quality and turnaround time has markedly increased. Overall, Smartcat has been great.

Barbara Fedorowicz

Creative Localization Manager

Create an onboarding training using generative AI

Utilize the essential AI course creator for enterprise teams, offering a complete solution that simplifies the production of onboarding training.

A global leader in onboarding training content creation


for ease of setup


ease of use


global corporate clients


of the Fortune 500

It all starts with a call

How Smartcat works

Follow these five easy steps in Smartcat to create onboarding training videos in any language.

Create a compliance training video in 5 simple steps


Input your ideas

Start by entering your training video concept, learning objectives, and key script points into Smartcat AI.


Generate content

Smartcat AI creates the course structure and content.


Edit and refine

Review the generated content, making any necessary edits to perfect your compliance training content.


Preview your onboarding training content

Go through all the training content, including live previews, a further quality assurance step.


Enhance and finalize

Add optional elements like quizzes, overview accordions, and written content like downloadable worksheets. Export your video for immediate use or AI-translate it into any language.

A faster, more effective onboarding content creation process

The complete AI onboarding training content platform

For all your onboarding material creation, Smartcat is your one-stop enterprise solution. Create professional elearning videos, microlearnings, full courses, quizzes, downloadable documents, and much more. 

AI-translate and AI-dub your new onboarding content into any language, for any global audience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is onboarding training important to an organization?

Onboarding training is crucial for organizations as it ensures that new hires are seamlessly integrated into the company culture and operational framework. It helps new team members understand their roles and responsibilities quickly, which leads to faster productivity and better alignment with company goals.

An employee handbook can also support the onboarding strategy, which you can also AI-create with Smartcat. Onboarding training also fosters a positive work environment and reduces turnover. An effective onboarding process ultimately enhances job satisfaction and performance from the outset.

What does the training and onboarding process look like?

The training and onboarding process typically begins with an introduction to company policies, including the employee handbook, and procedures. It then includes role-specific training that helps new team members understand their job functions and responsibilities.

Additionally, the process involves familiarization with the work environment and introductions to colleagues. HR professionals often tailor this onboarding plan to ensure that each new hire feels welcomed and is equipped with the knowledge needed to succeed in their role.

How to create an onboarding course for new hires?

Creating an onboarding course for new hires with Smartcat AI is a streamlined process. Start by inputting your training objectives and relevant information into the system. Smartcat AI will generate comprehensive content based on these inputs, including details from your employee handbook and company policies.

Once the initial content is created, you can review and customize it to fit your organization’s specific needs. This approach ensures that HR professionals can efficiently develop a well-rounded onboarding plan that aligns with your company’s culture and expectations.

How long does it take to create onboarding training?

With Smartcat's onboarding training creator, developing a complete onboarding course is remarkably efficient. In less than 30 minutes, you can generate a fully structured onboarding plan that includes all necessary components.

This rapid creation process allows HR professionals to quickly prepare effective onboarding training, ensuring that new team members have the resources they need to integrate smoothly into the company.

What should be included in onboarding training?

Onboarding training should encompass several key elements to ensure a comprehensive introduction for new hires. It should include detailed coverage of company policies and procedures as outlined in the employee handbook.

Additionally, the training must provide role-specific instructions, an overview of company culture, and opportunities for new team members to meet their colleagues and get acquainted with the work environment. An effective onboarding process sets the foundation for successful employee integration and long-term satisfaction.

Can Smartcat handle multiple languages for onboarding training?

Smartcat provides high-quality AI translation for onboarding content into over 280 languages. This includes documents and multimedia content, making it an invaluable tool for HR professionals eager to create an engaging employee onboarding process. This feature ensures that onboarding training is accessible to all employees, regardless of their language. 

By incorporating Smartcat's translation capabilities, HR professionals can provide a consistent and effective onboarding experience across diverse teams and regions, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the onboarding process.

What is employee onboarding software?

Employee onboarding software helps automate and streamline the process of integrating new hires into a company.

Employee training is crucial when beginning in a new role to ensure that new hires get up to speed fully with company policies and procedures, health and safety, their specific role, and any additional compliance and regulatory standard procedures.

A more comprehensive employee orientation may also contain a thorough product tour.

How does Smartcat improve onboarding experiences?

Smartcat uses AI to create high-quality, on-brand onboarding content quickly, making onboarding experiences more efficient, engaging, and effective.

How does Smartcat ensure the quality of the generated content?

Smartcat continuously learns from user edits and feedback, improving the quality of the content over time.

Is Smartcat cost-effective as an employee onboarding software solution?

Smartcat reduces costs by automating content creation and translation processes, making it a cost-effective solution for onboarding training. Smartcat is a centralized, do-it-yourself platform solution for the enterprise that leverages the most cutting-edge AI human workflows for optimal results.


Software Localization Tools,Translation Management,Computer-Assisted Translation,Website Translation Tools





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