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Rikkert Engels

Rikkert Engels

CEO at Xillio 

I started Xillio in 2004 with the core belief to break down silo's within organisations and actively fight vendor lock in. Graduated in knowledge mngt it was very frustrating to see in my first job at ABNAMRO that tech vendors excessive focus on vendor lock in was and still is one the biggest hurdles for content and knowledge to spread freely within organisations. We embarked on a mission to change that. At Xillio we offer best in class migration software and services to help clients off their current legacy content systems. In 2017, I learned that our migration and integration technology was also very useful within the translation industry. We also learned that the tech providers in this industry have even more vendor lock in focus than the content mngt industry. And when the Chief Product Officer of the largest language tech provider told me "when you talk to my client, you are my competitor", I decided to launch a second business, LocHub. LocHub is the only independent translation orchestrator that connects all your content with any translation technology and is as such the answer to vendor lock in. Next to fighting vendor lock in, LocHub also makes the globalization process a lot easier it provides insights that boost the ROI of your localization efforts